2 Apr 2019

23- Machu Picchu

25th to 26th of March 2019 - Machu Picchu

There are different ways to get to Machu Picchu from Cusco
- take the bus
- take the train
- walk

All tours are a combination of the different methods.
You can do different trails (Inka trail, Sanktuary trail or Jungle trail) which means you walk for a certain amount of time. Mainly 3-5 days. I personally didn’t feel like this. I didn’t had the time & wasn’t sure if I would have the required fitness level. Also these trails are very expensive. Think the Jungle trail is probably the most exciting as it includes mountain biking, zip lining & water rafting. Pretty cool.
Many people also take the transportation- bus to Ollantaytambo & than the train to Aguas Calientas. From here you can take the stairs up to Machu Picchu for about 1.5hrs or the bus. Train tickets are very expensive as well, but here you get the chance to do MP in only 1day.
I went for the cheapest method, which was still 160US$ (incl the ticket to MP).
I took the bus (6hrs) to Hidroelectrica and than walked along the train tracks for about 3hrs to Aguas Calientes. I stayed there overnight & on the next morning at 6am I took the bus up to Machu Picchu & than later walked back along the train tracks to Hidroelectrica where I took the bus back to Cusco to arrive at about 9pm. So the whole journey was pretty long and exhausting.
Machu Picchu itself was quite nice and it’s good to have this ticked of the list, but it wasn’t the best I have ever seen. I was a bit unlucky with the weather, although the clouds looked pretty amazing, it was quite freezing and the rain could have stayed away, but that’s just how it is sometimes. If you want to do MP yourself get a map, as many ways are one ways and there are people everywhere to make sure you don’t go back. Which means without a map & a clear plan where to go, you don’t get the chance to see everything. Worst case would be having to pay for entrance again. Same if you need to use the bathroom, as they are only outside.

23- Machu Picchu

25th to 26th of March 2019 - Machu Picchu There are different ways to get to Machu Picchu from Cusco - take the bus - take the train - ...