23 Mar 2019

20 - Paracas/ Huacachina, Peru

17th to 18th of March 2019 - Paracas & Huacachina, Peru

I got picked up at 7am in Lima by PeruHop.
There was a breakfast stop on the go and we also had a quick stop at Tambo Colorado an ancient Inca fortress.
We landed in Paracas, a beach town, at around 2.30pm.
The beach was not nice, dirty and overcrowded, I am happy that we will leave again the next day. But: there were Pelicans very close by on the beach. It was the first time I saw them that close - this was very lovely. They are huge.

The next morning we did a boat tour. We passed ‘El Candelabro’ a 2000 year old sand sculpture (170m high) & went to Ballestas Islands. Which is a protected national reserve with thousands of thousands of birds and sea lions. It’s not allowed to leave the boat, but we drove around the islands quite a bit. It was a good experience.

We than had a bus tour to the National Reserve (desert) which was a very cool place as well, especially to see where the desert meets the ocean. Met a very lovely couple from Norway.

We than continued the bus tour to Huacachina, which is an oasis inbetween sand dunes. A very lovely place. We did a sand buggy tour (very shaky and I lost my checked shirt - it just got popped out - 1st thing I lost) and even did sand boarding, which I loved. But I was just lying down on the board.
After that long day I went for dinner with a nice girl I met on the tour.

Tambo Colorado 

‘El Candelabro’

Desert meets the ocean

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