29 Mar 2019

21- Arequipa, Peru

19th to 22nd of March 2019 - Arequipa, Peru

We left Huacachina on 19th of March 2019 & drove to a vineyard where they produce wine & Pisco (main ingredient for Pisco Sour - the national drink). A tasting was included, good that I had a decent breakfast.
When we left, the bus broke down after a few meters & we stayed for about 40mins in the middle of the road while the driver tried to fix the bus. After it worked again, we drove for about 1hr & than the bus broke down again. This time we stayed for over 2hrs on the road. They didn’t give us any info what was wrong, only that there were technical issues.
Because of this circumstances we missed our stop at the Nazca lines. Although they were never really high up on my list, I am now very very disappointed that I never had the chance to see them. Very annoying, but that’s just how things sometimes go & you can’t do anything about it.
The bus than continued fine over night to Arequipa. I had a panoramic seat & very lovely company- this time from Germany. We talked for hours. Unfortunately he didn’t go the same route as me & left the bus earlier. That’s the hardest part - meeting amazingly interesting & inspiring people & than have to say goodbye.

Arequipa is a white city, with many buildings made from white volcano stone. The architecture in the city is incredible and it’s fun to walk around and see something new and interesting on every corner. I stayed here for 2 full days. If you have more time here, you can do a tour to the Colca Canyon which seems to be worth a visit, but I skipped it. One month in Peru is basically nothing and I have to compromise and can’t do everything unfortunately.
My highlight in Arequipa was the visit of Santa Catalina, an old Monastery. It seems to be like a little city within the city, it is wonderfully colorful & you can sneak into every corner & explore everything which is pretty amazing. I stayed for over 4hrs in there.
Arequipa seems to be having a whole lot of vegetarian & vegan restaurants & cafes, which is pretty amazing, after Ecuador & the north of Peru were so tricky when it came to a vegetarian diet. Down from Lima & up to Cusco is much more touristic, which definitely has its plus side when it comes to food & communication.

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23- Machu Picchu

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