21 Mar 2019

19 - Lima, Peru

14th to 17th of March 2019 - Lima, Peru
Came with the bus from Trujillo and got picked up for free at the bus station by my accomodation. How nice is this 😊. Unfortunately the bus were about 2hrs delayed (traffic) & the poor man waited at the bus station the whole time. I felt so bad for him 😢.
I was still sick and didn’t do much in Lima - again. But I think it will get better rapidly now as I think I found the root cause. A few days before I went to Chachapoyas (which is the amazonas region of Peru) I started taking Malarone - a prophylactic against Malaria. This was recommended by the doctor I went to in Ireland. Fore I started traveling. I am pretty sure this is what is making me sick and I now stopped taking them. It’s just not worth it!
I walked around a little in Miraflores, but I haven’t seen much of Lima, which is a shame.
For further travels into Bolivia I booked PeruHop. It’s quite a good amount of money, but I think it’s easier (even brain less) & I hope I will see more & meet some people on the go.

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23- Machu Picchu

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