21 Mar 2019

18 - Trujillo, Peru

11th to 14th of March 2019 - Trujillo, Peru

I arrived in Trujillo with a night bus from Chachapoyas. We were about 2 hours later as at 2am in the middle of nowhere one of the bus tyres had to be changed. There are no day buses available, I would have loved to take one during the day to see more from the landscape.
Trujillo was a shock temperature wise. It’s soooo hot here, around 35degrees. After the 15-18degrees in Chachapoyas this is just crazy. I am also still sick and only managed to walk around a little in town the first day & stayed in bed completely the 2nd day. I am getting sick of being sick & very very unpatient. So annoying!
On the 3rd day I did a day tour. First we visited the ruins of the temple of moon & sun & than the ruins of Chan Chan, a pre-Colombian city & archeological site. Both were alright. My highlights of the day were the time we spent at the beach at the end of the day & my company. As the tour is completely in Spanish, my hotel hired a girl from Venezuela who acted as a translator for me. Very lovely girl who was very excited to be on the tour.
Next stop: Lima

Traditional boats on the shore


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