12 Feb 2019

10- World wide

09th to 16th of Feb 2019 Essential & nonsensical trips around the world

As mentioned already in a previous post - the least expected thing happend & I had to fly to Ireland to unlock my Visa debit card PIN. It got locked at the start of January as I tried to use it in an accommodation, where I was being asked to insert the PIN multiple times, as I was told the connection/ communication btw the paying machine and the bank broke down. My bank could not (or didn’t want to?!)  help (I called them multiple times) & the credit card I also have is limited & can’t be extended.

So instead of going to Panama City & than flying to Ecuador (Quito) at the start of February as planned, I went back to Costa Rica and than traveled onwards.
Bocas del Toro, Panama -> Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica (4nights) -> San Jose, Costa Rica (red eye flight) -> Paris, France -> Berlin, Germany (1night) -> Dublin, Ireland (1night) -> Madrid, Spain -> Guayaquil, Ecuador

Paris airport was fascinating. After landing with AirFrance and before another flight with the same airline about 1hr later, there was another security check. So everyone had to get rid of their drinks. How handy that there were shops right after the check, where they sold 500ml of water for 4€ 🙄.

Another flight gave me some stomachache, as we were standing in Dublin for quite some time & than had to circle over Madrid for about 1hr with the potential of having to fly to some other airport. Don’t even know why. Jesus, what a stress relief after we finally landed.
As much as I love being someplace else, I really don’t like traveling itself. It’s way to stressful for me. Hopefully this might ease a bit within the next few months as there will be a lot of traveling.

Finally I arrived in Ecuador on 17-Feb after 1am (local time) very very exhausted, sick (the usual travel cold) & 11days later than original planned (& of course also with much less money than originally budgeted) - but hey at least I am finally here!
Anyways there are always good things in every situation. It was a beautiful sunny day in Dublin & I also got the chance to meet a great friend for amazing food and a couple of drinks & had a great evening 😍. I really miss nice company & catching up over a few drinks or so.
So, more about Ecuador & onward traveling in the next post.

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23- Machu Picchu

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