1 Mar 2019

13- Banos, Ecuador

24th to 27th of Feb 2019

The bus from Quito to Banos took about 4.5hrs (4.25US$). It would probably usually be a bit faster, but we had to change the bus tire a few km before Banos for some reason. Asking for a window seat usually doesn’t mean that you actually get one, as the seat counting system in the bus seems different with every bus. But sometimes you can change seats if the bus is not fully booked.
Banos is a small & pretty relaxed town in the middle of nowhere surrounded by mountains. It’s famos for their possibilities of outdoor activities (ie. hiking, biking, rafting, zip lining....), the many waterfalls nearby & their thermal baths. It’s also a town with many spa’s were you can get a cheap pedicure or a 30mins massage for 10US$. (Same a Panama, Ecuador uses the US$, but also has a few national coins.)
I did a tour along the waterfalls. There are many tourist agencies in town & everyone seems to have the same price for these kind of tours. It costs 5US$ and includes only transportation. They drive you to different spots were you can do the different activities if you want. I took a cable car to a waterfall (2US$) & hiked down to another waterfall (2US$). The whole tour lasted about 4hrs.
I also went to Casa del Arbol the famous high swing, which was included in another tour I did.
I also had a few massages (very good) & went to the thermal baths. The baths were very hot & the locals were extremely amused about the few gringos (foreigners) which were using the baths & couldn’t stay longer than 2mins inside, due to the heat. Nevertheless it was very relaxing, despite the necessary permanent in & out, before my skin would get deep fried.

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