2 Mar 2019

14- Cuenca, Ecuador

27th of Feb to 01st of March 2019 - Cuenca, Ecuador

Next (& unfortunately already the last) station in Ecuador for me was Cuenca. The bus from Banos took about 8hrs, so that’s relatively typical here that getting from one place to another kills a day of your time. It’s because of the distances, but also due to the fact that most roads (especially the ones through the mountains) are not really in the best state & therefore can only be traveled very slow.
Cuenca is nice & relatively warm compare to Banos & Quito. (I am missing the heat & about 18-20degrees still feels pretty cool somehow.)
During the time I was here there were carnival celebrations, which was nice; it was just a bit loud & very crowded especially in the evenings. Also when you walk around everyone sprays you on with some white foamy stuff, which is interesting. I was happy with my accommodation as it’s basically directly in the city, so you can enjoy all the fun & everything is close by, but the room was actually relatively quiet.
Cuenca is especially worth exploring when we walk around after dark, as everything is illuminated & just looks very beautiful. I especially loved the ocean blue lighted towers of the new cathedral.

Next will be Peru, were I am planning to travel around for about 1month.

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